RACGP back in charge of training The RACGP will resume delivery of general practice training in Australia, Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt announced this morning at GP17. ‘General practice training is back with the RACGP, where it should always have been,’ he said during his keynote address.
RACGP calls for system-wide reform for pain management in Australia The RACGP has called for system-wide reform for pain management in Australia ahead of the release of the latest part of its Prescribing drugs of dependence in general practice. The college wants to ensure a better balance between quality management and minimising harms.
RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel’s GP17 opening plenary speech Ladies and gentlemen, each year numerous stakeholders and partners of the RACGP collaborate with us in support of the annual conference. An event of this calibre would not be possible without their support, and I would like to offer my sincere thanks on behalf of the RACGP to the sponsor organisations appearing on the screen now.
How to write effective referral letters – three useful examples Referral letters are a vital, if time-consuming, aspect of a GP’s life. A well-written referral can make all the difference when a patient visits a specialist, and show a level of care and expertise on the part of the referring clinician.
LGBTIQ patients in general practice ‘The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners [RACGP] supports marriage equality.’ RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel has made the college’s position on same-sex marriage clear.
RACGP supports marriage equality ‘The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners [RACGP] supports marriage equality.’ With that statement, President Dr Bastian Seidel made the RACGP’s position on same-sex marriage clear. And, in doing so, the college itself took a major step forward as a representative organisation, meeting increasingly vocal calls regarding its advocacy efforts.
RACGP attracts Australia’s top decision-makers President Dr Bastian Seidel believes the RACGP’s position as the peak body and voice for Australian general practice has been further underlined by the fact that some of Australia’s most senior politicians will be speaking at its upcoming annual conference – GP17 – to be held at the new International Convention Centre Sydney 26–28 October.
World Mental Health Day As the healthcare profession marks World Mental Health Day, a recent RACGP benchmark report has revealed that psychological issues are presenting in almost two-thirds of Australian GPs’ consultations.
After-hours services facing ‘day of reckoning’ The RACGP has welcomed the Federal Government’s decision to launch an investigation into after-hours medical services following News Corp reports it is using unqualified doctors to treat patients.