Preventable hospitalisations soar in GPs’ absence: AIHW Patients with limited GP access are hospitalised three times more than their city counterparts, and the RACGP warns this will only worsen without a funding shakeup.
Aged Care Royal Commission progress ‘disappointing’ A report says not enough has changed to improve residents’ chances of having their healthcare needs met.
How is VAD operating in each state? An inaugural report assesses how voluntary assisted dying services are performing across Australia, and recommendations to improve care.
Blood test could predict babies’ chronic lung disease: Study Australian researchers hope this early detection will generate more targeted treatments and reduce risks for babies born prematurely.
In Practice: Aged care incentive info session The RACGP President is hosting a webinar next week for GPs to better understand the new incentive and what it means for their practice.
Can a virtual ED reduce diabetes hospitalisations? A new initiative is hoped to ease ED loads and improve access to treatment, but there are concerns it may also fragment general practice care.
Malnutrition rife in aged care: Study Forty per cent of people living in residential care are malnourished, 6% severely, according to the largest study of its kind ever carried out.
Calls for expansion of multidisciplinary pain management The latest pain report shines a light on the need for multidisciplinary programs to be scaled up, in a bid to increase access and reduce stigma.
Antipsychotic use in aged care ‘not ideal’ New data shows antipsychotic prescriptions significantly outweigh diagnoses, a situation unlikely to change without greater staffing support.
First MyMedicare incentive ready to launch The new aged care incentive is just days away from going live, this is what you need to know to get your patients ready.