Supporting GP education for the health of the veteran community New tools are available for GPs to support their veteran patients, writes the DVA’s Chief Health Officer Dr Jenny Firman.
How much do no-show patients impact you? From ‘not huge’, to ‘problematic’, or a sign a patient ‘may be at higher risk’, GPs have reflected on the flow-on effects of these missed appointments, and just how often they occur.
In Practice: EOIs for 2025 Hackathon event The RACGP’s Hackathon provides the opportunity to be part of developing solutions to general practice challenges, and GPs can apply now.
‘We need better measures beyond just bulk-billing rates’ The metric needs to be supported by better ways of assessing the true value and success of general practice, argues Dr Michael Wright.
Core GP research platform rebranded The RACGP’s refreshed branch aims to lead in supporting research that addresses the unique needs of Australian general practice.
Go-to Medicare guide aims to arm GPs with confidence A new RACGP-backed resource provides clarity on Medicare’s principles and mechanisms to support navigation of, and compliance with, the complex system.
Bill targeting rural GP shortage stalls The Federal ‘Doctors for the Bush’ private bill proposed a reversal to changes in Distribution Priority Area settings.
Hypertension costing Australia $1.2 billion a year Researchers are calling for overhauled policies to reduce treatment costs and increase care access, with pharmacy fees making up 51% of spending.
‘Keep up the momentum’: New RACGP President visits Parliament Dr Michael Wright has met with politicians of all sides in Canberra, taking the concerns and ideas of GPs directly to the nation’s health decisionmakers.
Payroll tax relief for NSW GPs treating veterans In a move welcomed by the RACGP, the State Government has waived the tax on the care of veterans with a Gold, White or Orange DVA card.