‘Completely preventable’ asthma deaths skyrocket by 32% The concerning trend saw 467 Australians die last year, but experts say most could have been avoided with the right safeguards in place.
‘We’re the solution’: GPs take workforce woes to Canberra Red, blue, green, and teal – MPs from across the political divide have met at Parliament House for the Friends of General Practice roundtable.
Vale Dennis Pashen A passionate regional GP and driving force behind the push for formal recognition of Rural Generalist Medicine, the professor died on Thursday.
Landmark review to address ‘uneven spread’ of GPs Policies used to attract healthcare workers to regional Australia will go under the microscope, as part of an effort to address ongoing maldistribution.
‘I like to think I’ve made a difference’ For more than two decades, this GP has harnessed a passion for remote health to improve outcomes in disadvantaged communities.
In Practice: MBS online tool updated November ushered in a host of changes to the MBS. The RACGP’s online tool is designed to help GPs keep up to date with billing.
‘An incredible privilege’: RACGP Rural Awards 2023 Inspiring registrars and an ‘absolute stalwart’ of rural general practice have been recognised at a ceremony in Sydney this week.
Age drop for bowel cancer screening endorsed The NHMRC has approved guidelines to widen the age of bowel cancer screening, although the Federal Government is yet to sign off the change.
Formal recognition of rural generalists one step closer Australia’s specialist general practice colleges are encouraging doctors to provide feedback on an application being assessed by the AMC.
The GP who inspired the RACGP President A mentor to Dr Nicole Higgins, this doctor has been part of the fabric of his Victorian country town for more than 40 years.