New COVID-19 vaccines to be ‘preferred’ option The vaccines, which target the XBB.1.5 Omicron variant, were approved by the TGA and will be available in Australia from next month.
Updating COVID-19 vaccines ‘on the agenda’, but not sustainable Many Australians were recently recommended a fifth dose – but vaccination fatigue has researchers looking for longer term solutions.
Second bivalent booster receives ATAGI recommendation The vaccine will become available in December and is recommended for people who have not had their first or second booster doses.
TGA approves second COVID-19 vaccine for youngest children The Pfizer vaccine is now approved for use in children aged six months to five years, with Moderna already available to the age group.
TGA approves vaccine booster for primary school age children Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has been given the green light as a booster for children aged 5–11, with ATAGI recommendations to follow.
Vaccine rollout ‘relied on GP goodwill’: Study General practices involved in Australia’s COVID-19 vaccination program struggled to make ends meet, researchers say.
Slight rise in adverse reactions for joint COVID and flu jabs A peer-reviewed article looking at the co-administration of COVID booster and flu vaccines in the US reports that most reactions tend to be mild.
Second application pending for under-fives COVID vaccine Pfizer has been told it can apply for its Comirnaty vaccine to be used to immunise children under five in Australia.
Trial shows muted impact of Paxlovid on healthier patients New data confirms limited efficacy for those at ‘standard risk’, with more positive results for higher risk cohorts.
ATAGI announces COVID booster program for some adolescents The advisory group has said 12–15-year-olds with specified underlying conditions should receive an additional vaccine dose.