DoHAC details vitamin B12 testing changes The Department has further revealed what will change when it amends vitamin B12 testing and urine examination MBS items next year.
Calls to delay changes to B12 testing Potential changes to item descriptors, fees and claim frequencies are scheduled for July, but doctors are calling for further consultation, saying ‘additional red tape for GPs should be avoided’.
In Practice: Feedback sought on pathology and imaging results GPs have an opportunity to provide feedback on clinical safety and quality management of critical pathology and diagnostic imaging results.
Patients given immediate access to results on MHR The DoHAC has scrapped a seven-day delay in patients viewing pathology and diagnostic imaging results, against the advice of medical colleges.
App for updated pathology ‘manual’ launched The new resource complements the recently released eighth edition of RCPA’s Manual of Use and Interpretation of Laboratory Tests.
Support for RACGP warning on immediate pathology results Pathologists say removing the seven-day delay on uploading reports to My Health Record may lead to misinformation and patient distress.
ACCC blocks proposed pathology merger The regulator has determined that ACL’s proposed acquisition of Healius would likely reduce competition substantially.
Should patients be able to immediately access results via MHR? The DoH is looking to modernise My Health Record to include the default sharing of pathology and imaging reports, but the RACGP has concerns.
In Practice: Updates to Mental Health Treatment Plans The GPMHSC is encouraging GPs to incorporate the new templates into their practice software.
Pathology merger would make sub-leasing untenable: GP Alliance General practice owners say the takeover – under review by the ACCC – would leave a ‘hole’ in the finances of many clinics.