What role do doctors have in social advocacy? Doctors for Justice is a new human rights organisation for doctors and other healthcare professionals.
‘She’s never had to think about what she’ll do in the future’: Patients hail listing of CF drug News that a long-sought cystic fibrosis drug will be listed on the PBS has given many Australians a sense of hope.
RACGP broadly supports new medical code of conduct The RACGP is largely in favour of the Medical Board of Australia’s revised code of conduct for doctors.
More than 90% of adult patients say their GP is listening to them The vast majority of Australian patients are happy with how their GP listens to them, shows respect and gives them time, new data from the AIHW’s patient experience survey shows.
Billions in out-of-pocket costs show urgent need for investment in preventive health: RACGP A new report shows that Australians are spending almost $3 billion a year on out-of-pocket non-hospital healthcare expenses.
Smoking and drinking rates plunge, but illicit drug impacts on the rise A new report shows Australians are smoking and drinking less, but stimulants are leading to a greater health burden.
Give patients the full truth on cancer: RACGP President-elect RACGP President-elect Dr Harry Nespolon has questioned the push for low-grade cancers to be relabelled.
RACGP 2018 Faculty elections: Board members announced The results of the RACGP faculties’ board member elections have been announced.
Large-scale RACGP-backed trials of quality and continuity of care about to commence Two ground-breaking RACGP-backed trials designed to improve quality and continuity of care are about to commence.
One in ten Australians have both a mental and physical health condition: Report People with chronic physical conditions such as asthma, arthritis, cancer and diabetes are at much higher risk of developing mental health conditions, a new report has found.