Dr Gary Deed
is a GP and Chair of the RACGP Specific Interests Diabetes network.
Cameron Webb
is clinical lecturer and principal hospital scientist at the University of Sydney.
Andrew Francis van den Hurk
is a medical entomologist at the University of Queensland.
Dr Evelyn Lewin
is a newsGP journalist, and a fully qualified GP (MBBS [hons], FRACGP) who has completed a diploma in obstetrics and gynaecology.
Vijaya Sundararajan
is a Professor and Head of Department, Public Health, at La Trobe University.
Alan Shiell
is a Professor of Health Economics at La Trobe University.
Hassan Vally
is a Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology at La Trobe University.
Steven Lewis
is an Adjunct Professor at Simon Fraser University and Clinical Professor at the University of Saskatchewan.
Clinical Professor Leanne Rowe
is a GP, past Chair of the RACGP and, non-executive director at Japara Healthcare, co-author of Every Doctor: Healthier Doctors = Healthier Patients.
Janet Harry
is a medico-legal adviser at MDA National.