Sanjaya Senanayake
is an Associate Professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases Physician at the Australian National University.
Dr Horst Herb
is a long-time rural GP.
Prof Kim Felmingham
is Chair of Clinical Psychology at the University of Melbourne.
Dr Imaan Joshi
is a GP with interests in aesthetic medicine and mental health.
Assoc Prof Patsie Frawley
is an Associate Professor in Disability and Inclusion at Deakin University.
Louise Dunford
is the Director of the Institute of Allied Health Sciences Research at De Montfort University.
Dr Jonathan Teoh
is a member of the Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch Council with 15 years’ clinical experience.
Sheena Sullivan
is an epidemiologist at the WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza.
Rob Moss
is a Research Fellow, Mathematical Biology and Physiology, at the University of Melbourne.
Dr Eleanor Chew
is a GP and Provost of RACGP Queensland.