

March issue of Australian Journal of General Practice now available

Paul Hayes

1/03/2018 2:29:53 PM

The latest issue of the Australian Journal of General Practice, the RACGP’s peer-reviewed
scholarly journal, is available online.

The March issue of AJGP is focused on zoonotic diseases
The March issue of AJGP is focused on zoonotic diseases

The March issue of AJGP focuses on zoonotic diseases:
Australian bat lyssavirus
All Australian bats have the potential to carry and transmit lyssavirus, and potentially risky human exposures to bats are common. Timely notification of the public health unit following a potential exposure is crucial to ensure appropriate assessment and access to correct treatment.
Tony Merritt, Kathryn Taylor, Keren Cox-Witton, Hume Field, Kate Wingett, Diana Mendez, Michelle Power, David Durrheim
Pigs, pooches and pasteurisation: The changing face of brucellosis in Australia
Brucellosis has earned its place alongside syphilis and tuberculosis as one of the ‘great imitators’ and causes of pyrexia of unknown origin.
Siobhan M Mor, Anke K Wiethoelter, Peter D Massey, Jennifer Robson, Kathryn Wilks, Penny Hutchinson
Leptospirosis: An important zoonosis acquired through work, play, and travel
In patients with risk factors for leptospirosis, a high index of clinical suspicion is important to ensure early diagnosis and treatment.
Colleen L Lau, Nicola Townell, Eloise Stephenson, Debra van den Berg, Scott B Craig
Q fever: A rural disease with potential urban consequences
Q fever is the most commonly notified zoonotic disease in Australia, with the majority of cases reported from northern New South Wales and southern Queensland.
Keith Eastwood, Stephen R Graves, Peter D Massey, Katrina Bosward, Debra van den Berg, Penny Hutchinson
An atypical case of typical pneumonia
Carefully consider travel and animal exposure history in all patients with undiagnosed febrile illnesses.
Kathryn Taylor, David Durrheim, Peter Massey, Kristopher Hughes, Jane Heller, Belinda Jones
Up front
Unravelling zoonotic diseases in Australia
A large proportion of communicable diseases have an animal origin. The articles included in this issue of AJGP cover the more ‘traditional’ zoonotic diseases in Australia, which are notifiable in most states and territories.
Keith Eastwood, Peter D Massey, Siobhan M Mor, Katrina Bosward
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of depression
Transcranial magnetic stimulation is useful in the treatment of major depressive disorder that is otherwise resistant to treatment.
Saxby Pridmore, William Pridmore
Case report of rapid onset cognitive and functional decline: Diagnosis of sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is a rare cause of neurodegenerative disease, with an incidence of one in one million per year.
Brad Guo, Tam Ho, Roberta Potamianos
Multiple tender, deep nodules on the legs on a seven-year-old boy
A case is discussed of a boy who presented with skin markings that arose in the context of fevers and a sore throat.
Christopher Dalby
Ins and outs of urinary catheters
Many issues related to catheters can be safely and adequately managed in the community, resulting in timely management and increased patient satisfaction.
Brent Gilbert, Taryn L Naidoo, Frank Redwig
The CRISP-Q study: Communicating the risks and benefits of colorectal cancer screening
Evidence suggests that GPs and their recommendations consistently improve participation in screening for CRC.
Grace Y Kim, Jennifer Walker, Adrian Bickerstaffe, Nadira Hewabandu, Marie Pirotta, Louisa Flander, Mark Jenkins, Jon Emery
How do general practitioners conceptualise self-harm in their older patients? A qualitative study
Most older people who have died by suicide have seen a GP in the preceding three months, representing a potential opportunity to intervene.
Anne PF Wand, Carmelle Peisah, Brian Draper, Henry Brodaty
Building a bridge from the swamp to the ivory tower: Conducting randomised controlled trials in general practice
Medical research in Australia has mostly been conducted in tertiary hospital settings, but as the majority of illnesses are managed in primary healthcare settings, there is a need for a change in focus.
Clare Heal, Jennifer Banks, Pranav Divakaran, Petra Buttner
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Clinical challenge
The clinical challenge is based on this month’s Focus articles. To complete this activity, go to gplearning and log in with the username and password you use to log in to the RACGP website.
The Australian Journal of General Practice is the RACGP’s peer-reviewed, scholarly journal. It was formerly known as Australian Family Physician from 1971 – 2017.

AJGP australian-journal-of-general-practice; zoonotics

newsGP weekly poll Do you think the Government’s promise to rollout an extra 50 urgent care clinics will place additional strain or negatively impact the already limited GP workforce?

newsGP weekly poll Do you think the Government’s promise to rollout an extra 50 urgent care clinics will place additional strain or negatively impact the already limited GP workforce?



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