

Government to warn almost 5000 GPs over high rates of opioid prescribing

Doug Hendrie

8/06/2018 11:44:00 AM

RACGP flags concerns over campaign to reduce opioid overuse.

The letter is being sent to the 20% of GPs who have the highest rate of opioid prescriptions in Australia.
The letter is being sent to the 20% of GPs who have the highest rate of opioid prescriptions in Australia.

Almost 5000 GPs will be warned that their rates of prescribing opioids are very high relative to their peers, following a similar 2017 campaign targeting overuse of antibiotics.
The 20% of GPs who have the highest rate of opioid prescriptions will be sent the Department of Health (DoH) letters, signed by Australia’s Chief Medical Officer, Professor Brendan Murphy.
More than 3400 urban and 1400 rural and remote GPs will be targeted.
While the RACGP broadly supports the initiative and approves efforts to rein in opioid overuse, it has concerns around how these GPs have been identified.
RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel outlined those concerns in a letter to the DoH in March.
‘While the proposed campaign is well intentioned, the RACGP is concerned about … the methods used to identify practitioners who are considered to be prescribing more opioids than their peers [and] possible unintended consequences of the suggested approach to reducing opioid prescribing,’ he wrote.
‘The RACGP remains significantly concerned about this approach.
‘GPs working in palliative care, rural hospitals or aged care may be more likely to prescribe opioids than GPs working in other contexts. These GPs are therefore more likely to be identified in this campaign as problematic prescribers when they are in fact providing suitable care.’
Dr Seidel noted that particular effort should be made to ensure GPs providing care to patients in residential aged care facilities were not caught up in the sweep.
‘This cohort of patients is complex and often require a palliative care approach,’ he wrote.
The DoH may refer issues of potentially inappropriate prescribing to the Practitioner Review Program.
Dr Evan Ackermann, Chair of the RACGP Expert Committee – Quality Care (REC–QC), told newsGP that GPs who feel they have been targeted inappropriately should write back to the DoH.
‘Take the opportunity to say they’ve got this one wrong,’ he said.

Evan-Ackermann-Hero.jpgDr Evan Ackermann believes the letter can act as an opportunity for GPs to reassess their opioid prescribing practices.
However, Dr Ackermann said that for many GPs the letter would be a useful prompt to reassess opioid prescription in their practice, and follows on from the RACGP’s 12-point opioid challenge to reduce opioid prescriptions.
‘This is about prescribing opioids responsibly and becoming accountable prescribers. If you use your clinical judgement and make fair decisions, you won’t get into trouble,’ he said.
‘It’s a chance to look back at opioid prescribing and review the current [RACGP] guidelines, to discuss the acute use of analgesics, to reduce fentanyl patches for acute pain.’
The Government’s initiative is the latest use of nudge theory, the concept that a small ‘nudge’ from authorities is often enough to lead to behaviour change. Similar letters have been used in the US and UK, often with success.
While a strong proponent of responsible prescribing, Dr Ackermann cautions GPs not to abandon opioids entirely.
‘This is part of a trend towards appropriate treatment of long-term pain,’ he said. ‘Some people get a lot of relief [from opioids], so we don’t want the pendulum to swing too far.’
The DoH campaign will monitor opioid prescriptions over the next 12 months.

department-of-health opioid-overuse opioids prescribing

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Dr.Vinod   8/06/2018 1:26:15 PM

Wrong to say age care facilities doctors may fall in the clamp down.Except palliative there is no need for patients to be on opiate lifelong or any more than few weeks or acute pain duration.
The is not much place for opiates in chronic pain.
No need for elderly in nursing homes to be on opiate if there is no real indications like acute pain--definitely not for Osteoarthritis as many are in age care facilities

Nick Bretland   8/06/2018 2:30:38 PM

Disagree with Dr Vinod. Pain in aged care residents is difficult to assess and may present only as behaviour problems. NSAIDs frequently contraindicated, codeine causes costipation ( already under diagnosed), tramadol has unacceptable rates of delirium. That leaves non pharmaceutical, tapentadol, and opiates. Patches for those with severe dysphasia available only as opiates

Dr Peter J Strickland   8/06/2018 2:46:08 PM

The other target should be the hospitals and specialists who prescribe opioids for intractable and post-operative pain from such clinics as pain, rheumatic and orthopaedic areas for chronic backpain, other joint pains, and chronic neurological pain with other adjuvants. This leaves the GP often in a position of trying to reduce sometimes large doses of opioids--both oral and patches. For those GPs dealing with a lot of serious cancer pain, and often terminal patients --leave them alone in my opinion, as sometimes stats. can be downright wrong for these certain good and compassionate GPs!

Dr. Sharma   8/06/2018 3:13:23 PM

I will now be asking my patients to contact their Pain Specialists for their S8 scripts.

Sovan   8/06/2018 3:33:17 PM

I wonder how much is the time limit used? ? is it more after Feb 2018 when OTC codine is now by prescription? Other day I heard in news, that, recent GP visit in last 6 months has significantly increased. Some gov study. and they are pleased bec more people are using GP services and Bulk billing services. Is it because of codine has become prescription med. How much this has effect on both the studies, it will intesting to know. If any data available please share.

The observer   8/06/2018 4:40:37 PM

1. From now on prescription of any opioid other than Codeine must come from a specialist.
2. GPs should be allowed to prescribe only upto 10 tablets/capsules or 2 patches of any stronger opioid.
3. Only regular GPs of the patients should prescribe opioids to them.
4. Minister must ensure patients get seen by the pain specialists within a period of 10 days for ongoing pain management plans.
5. All must realise pain management is a very complex issue.

Dr David Jones   8/06/2018 8:56:12 PM

My problem is the appalling public access to pain clinics or other specialties (ortho/rheum) for the uninsured in chronic pain. E.G. 77yr old, Bone on bone hip pain - put up with it until the pain was so intense she confessed later to me she had thought about killing herself. The extent of her OA disease was (obviously) severely advanced, yet it was a further 8 months to get her hip replaced (and that was after begging the surgeon for an earlier TKR). For pain clinic to assist/review pain management she would have been waiting 18/12 so naturally the intermin management fell to me. I titrated analgesia until she was as comfortable as possible. post op (8/12 later), she was off all opiates within 3 weeks. (I could give several more examples of impossible situations like the above where the GP prescribes or oversee unnecessary and often suffering).

I dare to suggest the DoH data might be skewed to pick up GPs who work in bb/mixed billing practice where access to services is appalling so the amelioration of pain falls, rightly, to the GP.

I have no problem with tackling the problem of over prescription of abx, but opioid analgesia is a completely different issue and cannot be viewed in the same way with such a generalised sweep.

Dr.Susan   8/06/2018 10:32:39 PM

This means more aggressive and abusive patients when their scripts are declined and other alternative analgesia is discussed. As it is we are facing so many problems in this area.Anyone with a suitable solution to this issue will be very much appreciated.

Tony Ferris   9/06/2018 11:50:37 AM

The indication for analgesic use in nursing home patients so often relies on the history & assessment of the nursing staff therein making it even less objective of the situation. Tedious as it is , all opiates need to be prescribed after examination of the patient & thorough questioning of the staff as well as the patient.

Dr Duncan MacKinnon   9/06/2018 8:22:41 PM

Very happy to tow the line- fewer long term opiates can only be a good thing!
Unfortunately, the reality is that no one has provided a satisfactory alternative management regime for those trying to manage the tsunami of chronic pain that GPs face everyday.
If we weren't compassionate- then we could manage easily.
I would be very happy to be involved in working on a pain management strategy that is effective if there is the opportunity.

Ravi Bundellu   9/06/2018 9:11:02 PM

Well done, it is high time GP's involved in Over Prescribing of Opiates are pulled and questioned
I have come across total disregard to all conventional advise ,just to make money

Diana   10/06/2018 3:04:22 PM

Sadly yet another reason to depart from providing care in aged care facilities. If this policy means one is getting audited and threatened with misuse GP's will be scared to provide pain relief and patients will suffer. Upset families watching their loved one suffer whilst the GP is fearful of being reprimanded.

Mike Jones   12/06/2018 7:06:37 AM

Interesting comment - so you're of the belief that opiates have no place in chronic pain management? If function and QoL can be improved with opiates then prescribing them should be appropriate - but they are definitely NOT the great panacea and reviewing there ongoing use is essential

Tasmedic   13/06/2018 12:53:32 PM

If the top 20% of opioid prescribers are being targeted, then, even in their prescribing reins in, there will still be a top 20% to gripe at next Year. It's a stupid approach.

Robert Hoffman   14/06/2018 8:17:26 PM

I work in aged care. Most of my patients who arrive in Aged Care come from an Acute Hospital. They usually arrive with an opioid, usually Targin or Norspan. I use Hospital Outreach and HIH and they often add or increase opioids for my patients. However I am the one who provides the ongoing prescriptions - so it is all reflected in my statistics.

When it comes to Palliative Care, I provide this to 70 patients a year. All my Morphine scrips are for palliative care. Because the need for Morphine is at the end, only a few prescriptions are needed. I seldom use Authority Scrips. The DoH excluded Authority Scrips for Palliative Care Morphine in their statistics - therefore my statistics are artificially inflated. In addition, I only use Endone on a PRN basis. As a result most Endone pills will be returned to pharmacy as being past their expiry date - when a replacement scrip is consequently required. The statistics counts them as all used. I estimate 25 to 30% only are used. Again my statistics are misleading.

Everyone is on Paracetamol. In the elderly we cannot often safely use NSAID's. Tramadol is not a good drug in this age group. Pregabalin is helpful but only for a limited population. All the non-pharma options are underfunded in the public system (Pain Clinics anyone?) and not easily accessible in any case in Aged Care facilities.

This process of DoH is worthy but its design is blunt, its targeting is not focussed and not well executed.

Dr Dilip   15/06/2018 8:45:16 PM

Me too have that letter saying I am prescribing more than my peers without auditing to which patients are involved Most of my patients are with me for last45 years I have fair praportion of Cancer others waiting for hip and knee replacements sometimes they are sent home from Emergency with endone or other opioids they may get one repeat from me that may be all I don’t know how that makes me a high prescriber
Dilip Chauhan

Dr Nigel Dormer   16/06/2018 1:35:13 PM

I have just been contacted, but I'm a community Palliative Care Dr & GP. The methods to screen I think are inaccurate eg unable to determine if dying patient, and the length of time opiates prescribed. There are about 30 of us who work in Perth as part of Palliative Care Service.

Dr Richard Gordon   23/06/2018 8:18:33 PM

Another ham-fisted attempt to blame GPs for the inadequate provision/funding of pain management clinics and over-prescribing of Endone in A&E depts and post-op.

Dr Nicholas A. Cooper   24/06/2018 11:29:29 AM

The DOH have tarred us with a very broad brush on this issue. GP's looking after Aged Care Patients, either in Residential Care or in the Home are often stuck with the decision of what to prescribe for chronic non cancer pain. NSAID's are often contraindicated (PU, Triple Whammy etc), pain is frequently not neuropathic and Lyrica is often poorly tolerated. The Government in their wisdom recently took Panadol Osteo off the PBS. These patients often have multiple co-morbidities including obesity, non-operable joint disease etc. Opiates prescribed responsibly in the lowest effective doses can provide a massive improvement in QOL. Even with a Care Plan they often cannot afford to see Physio's. We are keeping people alive longer, OA is going to become more of a problem, and with the obesity epidemic will start to affect younger patients.
It does horrify me when younger patients present on often high dose opiates for some past injury and it can take years to reduce and ultimately wean these patients off. It is important to get Drug of Addiction Approval for these patients, use contracts, nominate a Pharmacy and begin a reduction plan, all of which I have done, yet I have still got a letter. I will be calling the DOH for a please explain..

dr bruce flegg   8/07/2018 3:40:28 PM

Unfortunately this again shows the ignorance of the beaurocrats running our health system.
Like medicare audits it will overwhelmingly target one group. Those that work fulltime.
It will also target low ses communities which continually are ignored or neglected.
We have a high concentration of the disabled and chronically ill (they dont live on the northside of sydney or the west of brisbane)
The services that might help reduce opiod dependance are just in the imagination of policy makers. If we had a chronic pain clinic (which we dont) they would be using the opiods for chronic pain just as GP's in low SES areas need to do at present.
Then to make matters much much worse the makers of opiods have marketed so well to the government that paracetamol for example which is described as a potential first line treatment for conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and OA is no longer supported by the PBS and in very disadvantaged areas patient frequently come back with their non PBS script for Osteomol and say I dont have the money I need something I can get free on the PBS
To make matters worse we also have to tell them they could have it free if they were aboriginal
Further the government basically banned di-gesic a drug used safely for 50 years with little abuse in favour of opiods that are associated with more deaths than motor vehicles.
In Short Don't target doctors working with the poor and give us some alternatives

Dr. John   16/11/2018 11:43:07 AM

Dr.Vinod's comment "The is not much place for opiates in chronic pain" (sic) clearly demonstrates a complete lack of empathy & knowledge of chronic illness that causes severe debilitating pain for the patient. The qol for people who receive no respite from severe pain often spirals downhill. They lose their job, their relationship, their home & develop mental illness becoming even more burdensome on society. People have the right to quality health care which includes having their pain managed in the best possible way. It is the year 2018 & there is no place for Doctor's who do not like to see people feeling better. Stopping the use of opiates for chronic pain might have a slight decrease in related deaths however the suicide rate will sky rocket I assure you. There must be a better way.......

Barry   23/11/2018 11:05:53 AM

So Doctors just need a gentle "tap", which has been so successful in the USA. Hate to rain on your parade but my colleagues in the USA are telling me that many GP's are refusing to write opioid scripts and sending patients back to their specialists who are now being threatened with or actually having their prescribing rights suspended for writing more scripts than the beaurocrats deem are appropriate. How long before the gentle nudge becomes jack boots?

Patient   1/04/2019 4:56:49 PM

I have ankylosis spondylitis and for the last 3 years the symptoms have been severe while I have tried 2 biological drugs, every non steroid medication available and was not responsive to the medication. I was also on steroids for 18 months. I work as a National Manager for a large multinational company and want to stay in the workforce as long as possible, I also get to pay high tax rates rather than have the government to pay me to stay home. I suspect that my doctor has received or these letters, as I am made to feel like a druggy when I need a Targin refill or endone for my frequent flare ups. The pain is that bad that I sometimes fantasise about suicide and to be without pain. If I didn’t have a family and the pain medication, I wouldn’t continue to keep going. I feel like I and others are the unintended consequences of these letters. The comment that opiates are not needed unless it’s for palliative care is uninformed, damaging and need of a job in a clinical trial for arthritis..

Gail Putland wife/mother/grandmother of chronic pain patients   5/06/2019 10:44:37 AM

I have multiple family members in chronic pain. The same doctor was prescribing pain medications for four years, with the consent of a pain management specialist. Since these letters have been sent out this doctor's practice has placed a blanket ban on S8 drugs being prescribed, choosing instead to refer to an "addiction specialist". For three months my family has unsuccessfully been sourcing a new GP to manage their complex health issues. They have a pain management specialist. The method for this initiative has been appalling and cruel. Lives are being ruined and at risk of being lost. The Government's approach has been very unprofessional.

Chris   25/07/2019 8:01:39 AM

Wow..I was blown away by Dr vinods wow wow...get out of medicine if you have that little compassion or empathy or go study a pain clinic fellowship..IV worked in critical care nursing for over 20 years and suffered chronic pain myself.. get of drs backs and put more funds into pain clinics and support services, including addiction management

Rheumatoid arthritis auto immune scoliosis RLS   3/10/2019 10:12:37 AM

I am unable to take nsaids anti inflammatories etc.. since this misleading media hysteria over opioids and the intimidating warning letter I have found it so dreaded to go to the doctors that I think about ending my life daily. The pain increases each month while at the same time i'm subjected to the constant hammering of a Misleading media campaign over the so called opioid epidemic. This Which has included the codeine range in with Oxycodone endone fentanyl etc statistics. For many many years we have had sufficient morphine & effective panadeine range (incl forte) doing a fine job. The increase in problems have come since these pharmaceutical companies were given the green light by ...WHO? WHO did this. Stop punishing the genuine pain sufferers and responsible doctors and turn the finger towards the appropriate authorities who approved the application to allow these unnecessary more addictive forms of pain killers into our already working health system purely for financial gain.


Obviously no one who was part of this study or in a position to really get to the bottom of things did their homework & has NEVER lived a day in chronic pain. I live in rural NSW & it took me 16 months to see a Pain Specialist that is 8hrs drive away. From my accident I started out on Panadol & ibuprofen for a haematoma that was 22 x 4 cm in diameter & height. 6 weeks in I could barely move I was in agony, I had an infection that spread from my knee to my hip but I also got a new gp & he has been amazing! Instantly I was on pain relief, antibiotics & he’d sent me to sit in Dubbo ER for 7hrs to show these so called doctors that my ‘turtle’ as we’d started to call it needed to come out. Post surgery it was discovered I had sever depression as well as necrosis. Within 3 months my gp also thought I had CRPS & was correct. Then to be diagnosed with Hypersensitivity & on Friday with Psoriatic Arthritis. I take Palexia 150mg, most days I still can’t walk, so tell me what do I do Dr Vindos?

PatientlyWaiting   2/11/2019 1:52:50 AM

This is utter nonsense. Nurofen/Ibuprofen does not work, and the blanket ban now on panadeine forte is making everyone live in chronic pain. The smug bureaucrats (who think 'pain is all in our heads' really need to get their heads checked. This ludicrous prohibition, which now guarantees no pain relief for anybody is now pushing up the suicide rate.

Concerned   4/11/2019 1:51:57 AM

Complete madness. There are no real alternatives to opoids for genuine pain relief- and really Codeine is not in the same class as the drugs mainly used in the USA (overreaction to this which is driving this panic). Codeine withdrawal is also quite mild and noticeable - and well outside of that withdrawal period the normal cycle of pain recurs - and there is nothing there to treat it.
The govt'.s basic attitude is that the pain is all in your heads, and to just lump it. The overregulation/prohibitionist zeal and indifference of these bureaucrats is really something.

Scared about te future   7/01/2020 6:07:16 PM

i have been on durogesic for about 10 years due to chronic back and pain in both shoulders. surgery on one shoulder did not work so specialist decided not to operate on the the other. i was put on durogesic 75 patch was on that all this time my pain spec retired i had to find someone new now they have reduced me down im on 25 duro and they want me off totally with nothing to turn to at the end i am so unsure where to go or what to do i am happy to try and get off this limiting medication but where do i turn when my pain is to a point of taking my life because i cant cope

Greg McMahon   19/01/2020 1:55:09 AM

I am a dept of Veterans Affairs Gold Card Holder TPI, I was prescribed Endone 5mg tid by a Pain Specialist in 2014 and have been getting without hassle 100 tablets via RPBS each and every month until December 2019. My new GP a Pakistian Doctor told me was flagged and so she refused to write me a script for a months supply, I contacted the RPBS Pharmist who said that was unethical, and I should find another GP. What is happening to Australia? is this the norm or an overaction by the GP?

Ivy smith   20/03/2020 6:18:13 PM

I think it’s terrible. I suffer from migraines, have scoliosis and nearly every day I’m in some what of pain. Before codeine was taken from the shelves I was managing quite fine. Now I’m made to feel like a drug addict because I’ve self medicated all those years. Now I’ve been to X-ray after X-ray and ct scans and all that nonsense to have to go back to the doc every month and pay $115 for a script and for something that can’t be helped!! I’m sorry but I can’t afford a physiotherapist a remedial massage every week or a chiro. I work full time and I am a mother of two. I barely have time to wash the sweat off every day! This is absolutely the worst decision that could be made! Just another way for people to pay for more doc visits. At times I do feel being dead would be better not only for me but for family and friends who have to pick up the slack when I’m on a three day migraine in a dark room somewhere. To look after my children because I am physically unable to. It’s all crap!

David Lloyd   18/08/2020 6:26:03 PM

Why isn't the list of banned Doctors prescribing narcotics publicly available ?
It would serve the Public Interest and who should have access to know what Dr can and who can prescribe cant prescribe these disgusting mid-altering drugs,

Kristy   7/10/2020 9:27:42 PM

I am also a migraine sufferer. I was able to adequately manage my pain when OTC products were available. I rarely took sick leave in fact the 6 years prior to OTC medications being made unavailable were sick leave free.
I then talked through my pain plan with my GP, he changed my medications and also included a very effective, but also expensive anti -emetic.
Today I saw him again, I was advised he is no longer able to prescribe me Mersyndol Forte. I have never abused this drug, nor been addicted. I have been using it or similar for 30+ years responsibly. I was told that some patients are finding 2 panamax every four hours is helpful, god I wish this were the case. Clearly none of those making this decision are migraine sufferers.
Otherwise, I might have to doctor shop.
This is appalling and humiliating.
I am told this is because "junkies" are crushing them, mixing with water and injecting.
Why does this issue have to become my burden to carry? This decision beggars belief.

Robyn Kellett   23/01/2021 8:15:26 PM

My Doctor now won’t get me a authority or subscribe Panasonic forte for me I have osteoporosis and worn out discs in my back I need a operation on my back but will take years on the waiting list.He has tried me on other medications they don’t work how dare the medical profession make the decision to stop the only pain relief that works for me I am sure they have never experienced the pain I have I can’t even sleep anymore. I am disgusted in this decision they clearly have no compassion for people in pain

You are killing innocent people. Concerned.   24/01/2021 2:16:37 PM

This is disgusting I see a government that is over reaching due to an American issue for Australia. We produce around 80% of the worlds legal opium in Tasmania but chronic pain patients can't even get their medications anymore. I have seen horror stories and permanent damage done to patients thanks to this!
Dr's you need to unite and fight back this is absolutely unacceptable that the governments thinks they know better and these Dr's who are on board with this as just on board because it benefits them, not their pain patients.
The reality is Dr's were given this right as gate keepers to these medications rather than them just being available over the shelves these medications absolutely do help people with chronic pain, if they didn't then why on earth do active healthy patients turn into pain riddled messes when removed from these medications.
I am disgusted and ashamed to be a part of the medical community right now.

Robyn Kellett   25/01/2021 3:10:15 AM

After reading people’s comments about how some are thinking about ending there life I am so upset that you so called experts have taken away there pain relief medication shame on you as you have no care or compassion for human life . I am also concerned that people may turn to illegal drugs to help with there pain in Australia the police have worked so hard to try and stop drugs coming into our Country i fear the decision you have made will only make our illegal drug problem worse did your so called Medical Brain think of that

Long term opiate patient TPD pain daily   1/02/2021 11:58:46 AM

I have a complex spinal problems resulting from being sent into a tree at 170 km/hr. Over a 19 year period I explored everything there was to treat my pain. 13 back surgeries later with multiple titanium implants and fusions, I was still living in daily debilitating pain. I was forced to quit my job as an Executive and the worlds largest computer company at age 37 when I was found Totally and Permanently Disabled by AMP twice.
My pain profile took my Pain Specialist sometime to get right, and we finally got a a regime that has kept my pain still bad, but steady. He knows and I know there is literally no other alternative. No amount of meditation or any comparable ludicrous suggestion would work ever.
My analogy for the men, I grab your testicles and squeeze and twist them as hard as I can. If you meditate whilst I do that, do you think your pain will decrease? Well that is EXACTLY what you are suggesting. Not all Opiate takers feel head spins or anything addictive except relIef.

John   13/04/2021 5:59:12 PM

Our government has rocks in there heads at least cartell will be happy and funeral homes good luck everyone

Rachel   5/05/2021 11:01:46 AM

Migraine headache and cervical spondylitis for forty years now. Tried and done it all. Xrays, scans, glasses, chiropractic osteo, physio, taichi, yoga, meditation, exercise, vitamins, different drugs, special pillows, massage machines, acupuncture, etc . Since about 91', mersyndol nightstrength (not forte) was there. It didn't stop all of the headaches but helped most. After menopause, the migraines disppeared. I still get bad headaches but the severity and frequency is slowly but surely improving. I last saw my doctor 2 months ago to renew my script. I rang today to renew again and leave it at the local pharmacy. He told me he feels uncomfortable and wants me to start the pain management clinic dance. I will go, I will have to, I suppose. I will share my 40 years of experience in how Opiates can, in fact, be used responsibly.

Patient Jenni   22/05/2021 7:27:21 PM

Had a total hip replacement this week. The nurse unit manager and her nurses used me to make a point to a specialist that his post major operative pain relief was in their mind excessessive and refused the prescribed meds to me in the first 24 hours. They gave me 2 endone in 24 hours saying 4 was the maximum dose. They argued with me at 1.30 in the morning saying they couldn't even give me osteo panadol. My specialist said I could have pain relief hourly. I was in terrible pain. I was just the meat in the hospital. A 57 year old public patient given surgery in a private hospital. My treatment by the specialist was lovely. The nurses largely were appalling 4 the entire 4 days. Nasty, snobby, self opinionated private staff. I was constantly given incorrect information by staff that worried and frightened me only to find out mostly their fear mongering was just that.

PainAustraliaCausesPain   10/12/2021 6:00:45 PM

Well, we've pretty much banned Panadeine Forte now. The smug bureaucrats must be pleased- they think pain is all imaginary, and the more they overreact the better they are. When are we going to remove all pain relief for cancer patients as well? At least the assisted dying legislation will provide some permanent pain relief, I suppose.

Partner of long term PTD sufferer   23/09/2022 8:54:14 PM

My partner has severe damage to her spine and discs and has suffered for many years due to injuries sustained working in nursing / hospital industry, after many years of suffering she finally found a way to manage her pain with tramadol but only using it when necessary to allow quality of life, now she has been told by her doctor that he can no longer prescribe the medication, shame on those who have now set us back 10 years and once again our lives will become nothing more than days and nights filled with pain and suffering rather than being able to function in society.
