RACGP releases latest AKT exam report The 2022.2 report marks the first Applied Knowledge Test delivered via the college’s new online exam platform.
The role of clinical decision tools in chronic disease care Through RACGP Foundation-supported research, a GP academic is hoping to put an end to ‘blanket recommendations’ for chronic disease.
RACGP Presidential candidate Q&A All seven candidates have answered questions about their priorities, why they want to lead the college, and what separates them from other contenders.
RACGP Faculty Council nominations closing soon Elected members represent their community, and can also make a valuable contribution to supporting current and future GPs.
Vaccine rollout lessons put on hold An Audit Office report contains criticisms of planning and communication but offers few concrete suggestions for improvement.
In Practice: Faculty council elections open RACGP members can be a voice for their GP community and contribute to the future of Australian general practice by joining a council.
‘A time of opportunity’: College publishes its advocacy priorities With Medicare confronting its biggest challenges yet, the RACGP President is determined to reset general practice as ‘a career of choice’.
RACGP clinical exam report released How did candidates perform in the most recent Fellowship exam and what are some tips to improve?
Candidates for RACGP President confirmed Seven GPs will be vying for the two-year position to lead Australia’s peak body for general practice at a time of enormous change.
In Practice: Last chance for President nominations Potential nominees have until 1 August to put their name forward to be the next President of the RACGP.