RACGP Foundation 2018 research grants and awards The RACGP Foundation has announced the recipients of its 2018 research grant and awards.
August issue of Australian Journal of General Practice now available The latest issue of the Australian Journal of General Practice, the RACGP’s peer-reviewed scholarly journal, is now available online.
Report calls for greater coordination and funding for Australian primary care The Grattan Institute has released a new report calling for greater political attention, funding and coordination for the Australian primary care sector.
Medical Board backs down over naming innocent doctors Doctors who have been involved in disciplinary hearings with no adverse findings will no longer be named on the public register, the Medical Board of Australia has announced.
AIHW findings show strong evidence of positive GP–patient relationships More than 80% of Australians feel the quality of care they received from their GP or other healthcare providers is ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’, according to an Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report.
Introducing the RACGP’s new registrar representative Dr Krystyna de Lange is the elected 2018 RACGP Registrar Representative.
AIHW deaths data shows value of preventive care The latest deaths data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows the value of preventive healthcare.
RACGP’s top GPs announced The finalists in the 2018 RACGP General Practice of the Year Award, representing the best GPs from across Australia, have been named.
Simple blood test to predict rare cancers' likely spread New Queensland University of Technology research has shed fresh light on how head and neck cancer spreads to other organs.
Update graphic images on cigarette packages to remind of health risks, experts say A new survey shows half of smokers do not know about all health problems associated with smoking. Cancer Council Victoria is now asking for an upgrade of the graphic images on cigarette packaging.