IMG expedited pathway gets greenlight The fast-track program has cleared its final hurdle for a 21 October start date following approval from Australia’s health ministers, but it has left the RACGP fuming.
Dementia soon to be Australia’s biggest killer As dementia deaths soar at the same time as heart disease mortality drops, just 237 cases now separate the top two leading causes of death.
Bupa launches free telehealth consults The private health insurer now offers free appointments to members, but GP experts are questioning the service, saying ‘nothing is free’.
World Mental Health Day renews calls for support boost The theme of this year’s day is ‘Mental Health at Work’, leading the RACGP to double down on calls for more accessible care options.
Future Leaders Program applications now open As program graduates and now RACGP state Chairs, Dr Rebekah Hoffman and Dr Sian Goodson are encouraging interested GPs to sign up.
Queensland to abolish GP payroll tax The State Government will permanently ditch its tax grab following years of outcry from GPs, as pressure mounts on other states to follow suit.
Final Review of General Practice Incentives report revealed It recommends a suite of changes which, if accepted, would see GPs’ incentives undergo a major shakeup, including a new payment architecture and a shift in the foundation of general practice.
Delay sought for expedited pathway rollout With AHPRA’s new fast-tracked IMG program set to impact both the RACGP and the ANZCA this year, the colleges are calling for it to be paused.
New PBS listing for high-risk CVD patients Experts welcome the listing of Vazkepa, with the treatment aimed at reducing heart attack risks for statin-treated patients with high triglycerides.
RACGP’s newest life members share words of wisdom As a new generation of GPs embark on their career, two inspiring doctors share what they have learned across their three-decade careers.