General practice research underpins clinical practice, and is the foundation of the high-quality, innovative, efficient and effective general practice required to deliver positive patient outcomes for a healthier Australia. Opportunities for academic training will support the development of a future workforce that has the skills necessary to undertake and lead general practice research.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) is committed to building research capacity in general practice trainees. In addition, the Australian Medical Council’s standards for assessment and accreditation of specialist medical programs, encourage trainees to participate in research.
General practice training must include formal learning about research methodology, critical appraisal of literature, scientific data and evidence-based practice so that all trainees are research literate. The Academic Post Program supports 20 Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) registrars annually to complete a funded 12-month, part-time academic position within a university department of general practice or rural clinical school, where they will complete a small research project and participate in teaching activities. The position is well supported by universities and the RACGP, and is suited to both novice and more experienced researchers. Registrars do not need any previous experience in research to apply for the program.
To find out more about the Academic Post and hear from previous participants of the program, visit our website,
The 2023 Academic Post registrar cohort
The RACGP is pleased to present the abstracts from the 2023 Academic Post registrar cohort.
These abstracts are presented as a special Australian Journal of General Practice (AJGP) supplement and are in alphabetical order by registrar author surname.
The 2023 Academic Post registrar cohort conducted research in a wide range of general practice areas and some presented their initial findings at the Australasian Association of Academic Primary Care (AAAPC) annual research conference and at the WONCA World Conference in 2023.
The RACGP sincerely thank the 2023 Academic Post registrar cohort and their academic general practitioner supervisors who supported the development and review of these abstracts.
Fiona Beer
University of Tasmania
Allyce Counsell
University of Sydney
Shane Delisser
University of Queensland
Keersten Fitzgerald
University of Sydney
Yu Gao
University of Newcastle
Kristen Hamilton
University of Notre Dame Australia (Sydney)
Christabel Hoe
Western Sydney University
Naomi Kilov
University of Melbourne
Jenna Lyttle
Deakin University
Daniel Mogg
Australian National University
John Dang Trinh Nguyen
University of New South Wales
Kimberley Omond
University of Adelaide
Daniel Petzke
University of Melbourne
Rikki Priest
University of Notre Dame Australia (Fremantle)
Nina Reid
University of Newcastle
Harriet Sandison
The University Centre for Rural Health
Aniruddha Sheth
University of Western Australia
Rochelle Sleaby
University of Melbourne
Gur Singh
University of Sydney
Sonia Srinivasan
Monash University
About the Academic Post Program
If you are an AGPT registrar and you have an interest in research, academia or medical education, we strongly encourage you to consider an academic post as part of your GP training. The fully funded academic position offers a wide range of benefits including connection with a national cohort of like-minded registrars, all-inclusive conference attendance and face-to-face workshops, educational support and $8000 of funding to spend on professional development and your research project. The Program will also provide you with invaluable exposure to the life of an academic GP, where you will actively participate in research and teaching medical students.
You can apply for an academic post as early as during your first general practice term (GPT1). You must make sure you have at least three months of training remaining when you start the post, that you have completed GPT1 and that you remain in the AGPT program throughout. You also cannot Fellow until you have completed your 12-month academic term.
Applications for the 2025 program are now open and close 15 July 2024. The program is competitive and there are only 20 positions funded per year. Most previous academic post participants would tell you to just ‘give it a go’.
Need help?
If you want to find out more information, explore whether this opportunity is for you, or you would like to be linked with a previous Academic Post registrar or participating university, please do not hesitate to contact me, the RACGP Academic Post Program lead, Georgia Franklin. You can do this via email to or give me a call at 03 8699 0418. You can also find out more about the Academic Post and hear from previous participants of the program by visiting our website,