General practitioners are frontline workers for psychological medicine. This issue presents the latest updates on mental health topics relevant to general practice.
Disaster can take many forms in general practice, ranging from in-house challenges such as IT security, through to full-blown external events on a local or global scale. Here, we consider several.
This issue aims to give a voice and to provide acknowledgement to GPs and GP researchers with knowledge and experience in disaster health management through dissemination of their insights and wisdom.
General practice and GPs are a valuable resource in disasters, but they also need support to be as effective and as safe as possible.
AJGP presents two initiatives and invite your submissions: a case study that is a collaboration between a medical student with their supervisor; and a new series, ‘Beyond the clinic door’.
A reflection on the Australian General Practice Training Program and nationally coordinated training for the general practitioners of the future.
General practitioner training is key to a healthy profession. In this issue, we explore teaching strategies, supervisor journeys and other aspects of general practice training and education.
This issue considers a range of topics around the broad theme of cancer and chronic disease, relevant to general practice.
Providing care for key reproductive life stages (preconception, after miscarriage and at medical termination) is discussed. A program for enhancing responses to domestic violence is also explored.
This issue explores topics themed broadly around the ‘head and neck’ – from the common allergic rhinitis to the uncommon sensorineural hearing loss, along with a range of other important subjects.
This issue explores ‘old’ infectious diseases (scabies, syphilis), ‘new’ infectious diseases (CJD, COVID-19), and medical advances such as RSV prevention products and point-of-care testing.