Antibiotic stewardship sits at the front line of the global challenge of antibiotic resistance.
The success of the nation’s COVID-19 vaccine program reflects the trust the people of Australia have in their general practices and their general practitioners.
This month’s issue spotlights a common movement disorder in general practice – Parkinson’s disease – in addition to discussing assessment of gait and the importance of posture.
Parkinson’s disease is now recognised as a whole-body disorder, not a motor disorder with accompanying non-motor features.
Hepatitis C virus treatment is an effective illustration of the significant benefits of robust general practice delivering positive health outcomes to patients who were previously excluded.
The Focus articles in this issue provide updates on fatty liver disease and the treatment of hepatitis C virus in general practice, and information on communicating with patients about medications.
Professional and research articles explore the new Australian guidelines on familial hypercholesterolaemia, while articles on myeloproliferative neoplasms and HbA1c provide clinical guidance.
It is the ability of primary care specialists to manage all aspects of a patient’s health that is associated with critically important positive outcomes on an individual and societal basis.
Effort needs to be made to most effectively combine expert cancer care with holistic, whole-person care, across the cancer continuum.
This issue describes aspects of modern cancer treatment and underscores the importance of general practitioners to achieve optimal whole-person care.
The Focus articles in this issue explore COVID-19 renal disease, acute kidney injury, renal colic, paediatric urinary tract infections and haematuria.
The interface of general practice and kidney healthcare has never been more important than it is in our current pandemic world.
The use of medical cannabis is an area of great interest for both general practitioners and patients and is an area of extensive ongoing research and legislative evolution.