And you?
Seekers and creators
That which is between
Between mind and body
We see vast constellations
Bright against dark
Hiding in plain sight
Between heart and kidneys
We hear pulsing rivers
Quiet yet laden
Going both ways
Between family and friends
We glimpse wild country
Entangled and sprawling
Growing inward and out
Between individuals and society
We feel mighty ripples
Kind and cruel
Embracing all
Between people and planet
We hear roaring waves
Healing and destroying
Breaking on both shores
Between hospitals and clinics
We weave intricate webs
Away and then back
Returning to centre
Between people and community
We uncover secret gardens
Leading out but letting go
Wings take flight
Between patients and ourselves
We carve a new way
Through beauty and danger
Destinations fade
Between patients and themselves
We hold a gentle mirror
A question or silence
That is enough
This is our specialty
Seekers and creators
Of that which is between
Of ecology and emergence
Of mutuality and meeting place
Of interconnectedness and interdependence
We are
That which is between
The holding together
The making whole
RACGP member
Competing interests: None.