
Volume 54, Issue 3, March 2025

Beyond the clinic door: You know it when

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You know it when
Your eyes connect deeply
And your heart is moved
And now your eyes are shining
And theirs are too

You know it when
You’re drawn towards them
With hands opening
Utterly empty
Yet full of offering

You know it when
You can hold their suffering
Absorb it wholly
Watch it evanesce
Then smile softly

You know it when
Giving of yourself comes easy
As from an abundant spring
Carrying away burden
Washing away scarcity

You know it when
Trust abounds
Through nights of uncertainty
And a safe way is found
On a perilous journey

You know it when
The lock finally opens
And space gains entrance
Followed by relief
And then by peace

You know it when
Overwhelming tenderness
Finds its home in gratitude
Leaving behind
Some kind of ecstasy

You know it when
You’re the comforting father
The bright grandchild
The wise brother
And family lines are redefined

You know it when
We become kindred spirits
And they feel fully known
All their humanity
And all their soul

You know it when
Time sways and falls away
Leaving only the present
Yet it is enough
More than enough

You know it when
The sun is shining
And the rain is falling
And you can sense it all
Every last drop

You know it when
The words flow naturally
And feel just right
Here comes inspiration
Your best self has arrived

You know it when
Everything comes together
To make this very moment
And you finally are
Who you’re meant to be

Beyond connection
It is communion
Beyond the secular
It is sacred
Beyond this life
Dare I say it
It is Love


RACGP member

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Medical humanities

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