
Camile S Farah


BDSc, MDSc (OralMed OralPath), PhD, GCEd (HE), GCExLead, MAICD, AFCHSM, FRACDS (OralMed), FOMAA, FIAOO, FICD, FPFA, FAIM, Registered Specialist in Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology, Director, Australian Centre for Oral Oncology Research and Education, WA; Oral Medicine Specialist, Perth Oral Medicine and Dental Sleep Centre, WA; Consultant in Oral Medicine, Fiona Stanley Hospital, WA; Consultant Oral Pathologist, Australian Clinical Labs, WA; Consultant Oral Pathologist, Qscan Radiology Clinics, WA; Chief Scientific Officer, Genomics for Life, Qld

A keratinised lump on the lateral surface of the tongue

A female patient, aged 59 years, presents with an 8 mm slightly raised lump on the right lateral border of the tongue.