
Claire Denness

MBChB (Hons), MRCGP, DFSRH, PCGME, FRACGP, Medical Editor, Australian Journal of General Practice; Lecturer, Department of General Practice, Monash University, Melbourne, Vic; General Practitioner, Better Health Network, Melbourne, Vic

Improving women’s health improves health for everyone

Providing care for key reproductive life stages (preconception, after miscarriage and at medical termination) is discussed. A program for enhancing responses to domestic violence is also explored.

Infectious diseases

This issue explores ‘old’ infectious diseases (scabies, syphilis), ‘new’ infectious diseases (CJD, COVID-19), and medical advances such as RSV prevention products and point-of-care testing.

No place for complacency

This issue explores ‘old’ infectious diseases (scabies, syphilis), ‘new’ infectious diseases (CJD, COVID-19), and medical advances such as RSV prevention products and point-of-care testing.

Women’s sexual and reproductive health

Providing care for key reproductive life stages (preconception, after miscarriage and at medical termination) is discussed. A program for enhancing responses to domestic violence is also explored.