
Janelle Speed

Board Member, Hunter New England Local Health District (HNELHD), NSW; Chair, Aboriginal Health Committee HNELHD, NSW; Committee Member, Good Health Committee & Community & Partnership Committee (HNELHD), NSW; Community Advisory Committee, New England Central Coast Primary Health Network, NSW; Community Representative for Australian College of Rural & Remote Medicine, Qld; Committee Member, Myall Creek National Committee, NSW; Aboriginal Consultant, Convenor for Youth Justice Conference, Juvenile Justice, NSW

Acute rheumatic fever – Clinical vigilance is essential for primary prevention to be successful and avoid lifelong rheumatic heart disease

Successful implementation of evidence-based medicine requires framing within the cultural and structural barriers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience.


This issue focuses on rheumatology and includes articles on acute rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis and the role of exercise in management of rheumatological disease.