
Richard Hays

MBBS, MD, PhD, FRACGP, FACRRM, FRCGP, Professor of Remote and Rural Health, College of Medicine and Dentistry, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld; University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tas.

Book review: Also human: The inner lives of doctors

To what extent should our professional roles dominate our lives, perhaps at the expense of personal health?

Book review: In turn: Every junior doctor must do their time

This debut novel by a recent medical graduate tells a fictionalised story about life as a junior doctor in Australian hospitals.

Developing a general practice workforce for the future

GPs will need to adapt rapidly to change, seizing opportunities offered by disruptive technology in a globalised world affected by climate change.

Producing a general practice workforce: Let’s count what counts

We need to count what counts if we want to ensure modern workforce approaches can indeed produce a fit-for-purpose generalist workforce that is able to meet the needs of the communities we serve.

Book review: The Australian Medicine Careers Guide

Those without a clear, early sense of preferred career may well benefit both personally and professionally from deliberately seeking a range of experiences.