
Simon Morgan

MBBS, FRACGP, MPH&TM, Medical Educator, GP Synergy, NSW; General Practitioner, Elermore Vale General Practice, NSW

Acne in primary care: A cross-sectional analysis

Acne is seen by registrars at a rate similar to that of their established general practitioner colleagues, but with modest continuity of care in its management.

Gender differences in Australian general practice trainees performing procedures related to women’s reproductive health: A cross-sectional analysis

Gender difference exists in general practice trainees’ frequency of performing procedures related to women’s reproductive health.

General practice registrars’ use of dermoscopy: Prevalence, associations and influence on diagnosis and confidence

General practice registrars use a dermatoscope in a modest majority of skin checks and pigmented skin lesion consultations, which influences registrars’ diagnoses and increases their confidence.

PQRST: A framework for case discussion and practice-based teaching in general practice training

This framework meets the need for a simple framework for practice-based case discussion that applies to both the formal problem case discussion and informal ad hoc teaching scenarios.