August issue of Australian Journal of General Practice now available
The latest issue of the RACGP’s peer-reviewed scholarly journal is available online.
The August issue of AJGP explores the latest developments of eye health.
The August issue of the Australian Journal of General Practice (AJGP) focuses on developments in ophthalmic diagnosis and treatment that have led to marked improvements in visual outcomes for patients in general practice.
Eyelid lesions in general practice
Although most eyelid lumps are benign, accurate diagnosis and early recognition of sinister lesions leads to improved patient outcomes.
Michelle T Sun, Sonia Huang, Shyamala C Huilgol, Dinesh Selva
Ocular torticollis: A tilt in perspective
Early diagnosis of superior oblique palsy in general practice can improve visual acuity and prevent complications, including torticollis.
Helen Dooley, Morgan Berman, Chido Mwaturura
Topical anaesthetic in the treatment of corneal epithelial defects: What are the risks?
Local anaesthetic eye drops have recently been advocated as a safe analgesic following eye injuries, but the evidence is limited and the risks are significant.
Rogan Fraser, Mark Walland, Elsie Chan, Carmel Crock
Persistent visual disturbances after concussion
Visual problems commonly reported after concussion can be diagnosed with office-based assessment; with appropriate rehabilitation, the disruption to daily activities can be minimised.
Premkumar Gunasekaran, Christopher Hodge, Kathryn Rose, Clare L Fraser
Management of microbial keratitis in general practice
The advice and decision of the general practitioner at the initial presentation of microbial keratitis is crucial for optimal management, with urgent referral potentially sight-saving for the patient.
Vu Nguyen, Graham A Lee
Ocular causes of visual distortions
The aim of this article is to provide a guide to clarifying complaints of visual distortions, outlining the common ocular causes, with a focus on macular pathologies.
Corey J Rowland, Lawrence R Lee
Management of pigmented skin lesions in childhood and adolescence
Erica B Friedman, Richard A Scolyer, John F Thompson
A typical red neck
Diego Fernández-Nieto, Darío de Perosanz-Lobo, Juan Jiménez-Cauhé, Daniel Ortega-Quijano, Sonia Bea-Ardebol
General practice registrars’ use of dermoscopy: Prevalence, associations and influence on diagnosis and confidence
Georgina Whiting, Nigel Stocks, Simon Morgan, et al
Patient-related factors associated with poor glycaemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Pablo Romakin, Masoud Mohammadnezhad
Oral corticosteroids for painful acute otitis externa (swimmer’s ear): A triple-blind randomised controlled trial
Graeme Balch, Clare Heal, Anders Cervin, Ronny Gunnarsson
Technology driving advances in ophthalmology
Heather G Mack
Clinical challenge
August clinical challenge
The clinical challenge is based on this month’s Focus articles. The activity has been endorsed by the RACGP Quality Improvement and Continuing Professional Development (QI&CPD) program and has been allocated four Category 2 points (Activity ID: 160107). To complete this activity, go to gplearning and log in with the username and password you use to log in to the RACGP website.
AJGP Australian Journal of General Practice eye health ophthalmology
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