
James Brown

PhD, FRACGP, FACRRM, General Practitioner, Principal Medical Education Advisor, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, East Melbourne, Vic

‘Your head can literally be spinning’: A qualitative study of general practice supervisors’ professional identity

A supervisor’s identity is strongly tied to relationships that support and reinforce their role; it is important to recognise, protect and cultivate a program that values these relationships.

Guest editorial: Times of change and opportunity for Australian general practice training

A reflection on the Australian General Practice Training Program and nationally coordinated training for the general practitioners of the future.

Remodelling general practice training: Tension and innovation

This research identifies current tensions within Australian general practice training and potential solutions to these tensions.

Remote general practice supervision with video cameras: Insights for the global COVID-19 pandemic

There is growing evidence regarding the effectiveness of registrar training through video cameras, which has relevance for quality supervision during times of crises.