
Lawrie McArthur

MBBS, DRACOG, FRACGP, FACRRM, PhD (medicine), Director, General Practice Training, James Cook University, Douglas, Qld; Associate Professor,

The COVID-19-forced transformation of general practitioner training from face-to-face to online delivery: A qualitative study of participants’ experiences

The importance of social connection dominated and underpinned many other themes identified as central to achieving safe and effective vocational general practitioner education.

General practice registrars’ use of dermoscopy: Prevalence, associations and influence on diagnosis and confidence

General practice registrars use a dermatoscope in a modest majority of skin checks and pigmented skin lesion consultations, which influences registrars’ diagnoses and increases their confidence.

Strategies for facilitating social work placements in general practice

The paper provides key strategies guiding practices to optimise implementing social work student placements.