
Owen Bradfield

MBBS(Hons), BMedSc(Hons), LLB, MBA, FRACGP, Law and Public Health Unit, Centre for Health Policy, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic

Children: Custody, competence and consent – Managing parental disagreement

GPs can provide factual information about the risks and benefits of treatment in order to assist this process, but are advised to avoid taking sides.

Guest Editorial: Doctors’ health and medicolegal claims – An important but under-recognised link

Education and learning activities that specifically target areas of medicolegal risk can help reduce the likelihood and severity of future medicolegal events.

Health impairment allegations against doctors: Qualitative analysis and insights for Australian general practitioners

This study explores the ways in which treating practitioners can recognise, support and assist doctors with mental health or substance use challenges who are facing regulatory processes.

Healthcare, mandatory reporting and medical students

Treating GPs have an obligation to report impaired medical student patients if the GP forms a reasonable belief that the medical student patient has put the public at substantial risk of harm.