March issue of Australian Journal of General Practice now available
The latest issue of the Australian Journal of General Practice, the RACGP’s peer-reviewed scholarly journal, is available online.
The March issue of AJGP focuses on how advances in genomic epidemiology and sequencing technology will change the way GPs practice.
The March issue of the Australian Journal of General Practice (AJGP) focuses on how advances in genomic epidemiology and sequencing technology will change the way GPs practice.
Cardiovascular genomics and sudden cardiac death in the young
The aim of this article is to review the genetic basis of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in the young and outline the clinical aspects of caring for families affected by SCD.
Julia Isbister, Christopher Semsarian
Genetic testing and insurance in Australia
This paper explores the implications of genetic testing for risk-rated insurance for the general practice workforce in Australia.
Margaret Otlowski, Jane Tiller, Kristine Barlow-Stewart, Paul Lacaze
Pharmacogenomics in general practice: The time has come
The aim of this review is to introduce pharmacogenomic testing and explain how to start using pharmacogenomic tests in general practice.
Thomas M Polasek, Kym Mina, Graeme Suthers
Preconception and antenatal carrier screening for genetic conditions: The critical role of general practitioners
The aim of this paper is to discuss historical and current screening methodologies, options for individuals and couples identified as having a high chance of having a child with a genetic condition, screening guidelines, Mackenzie’s Mission and the implications of carrier screening in general practice.
Martin B Delatycki, Nigel G Laing, Sarah J Moore, Jon Emery, Alison D Archibald, John Massie, Edwin P Kirk
Preparing for the genomics era
The focus articles in this month’s issue provide examples of how advances in genomic epidemiology and sequencing technology will change the way GPs practice medicine in the 21st century.
March correspondence
Readers express their opinions on published articles and topics of interest.
An ageing methadone population: A challenge for treating doctors
A man aged 60 years collapsed at home following a short illness characterised by severe vomiting.
Srigala Nagarajan, Shaun L Greene, Anselm Wong, Zeff Koutsogiannis
Virilisation in a young woman: A case demonstrating the importance of co-located mental and primary healthcare
A woman aged 22 years presented to a headspace community health nurse with symptoms of anxiety, amotivation and low mood since mid-high school.
Sue Barker, Geoff Nicholson
Pilonidal disease practice points: An update
This article recaps pilonidal sinus development and presentation, details methods of treatment in the primary care setting and explores new specialist management options available in Australia.
Kay Tai Choy, Havish Srinath
The shortened cervix in pregnancy: Investigation and current management recommendations for primary caregivers
This article reviews current approaches to the evaluation and management of a shortened cervical length at morphology scan and highlights important patient counselling points.
Neoma Withanawasam, Sanyogita Tara
Anaemia in pregnancy
The aim of this article is to raise awareness of anaemia that occurs in pregnancy, understand its increasing complexities with an expanding migrant population, identify at-risk groups and promote appropriate management.
Jacqueline Frayne, Debbie Pinchon
There’s blood in my underwear
A man aged 75 years presented with concerns after finding bright red bloodstains in his underwear. This had been occurring intermittently for the past few months, but had intensified over the last week.
Christopher Dalby
Chronic kidney disease monitoring in Australian general practice
The objective of this study was to examine how practice aligns with the recommendations in Kidney Health Australia’s chronic kidney disease guidelines.
Masuma A Khanam, Alex Kitsos, Jim Stankovich, Ronald Castelino, Matthew Jose, Leigh Kinsman, Gregory M Peterson, Barbara Wimmer, Syed Tabish R Zaidi, Jan Radford
Bisexual mental health: Findings from the ‘Who I Am’ study
Despite consistent evidence that bisexual people have poorer mental health than heterosexual people, gay men or lesbians, the reasons for this remain largely unknown. The ‘Who I Am’ study aims to address this current knowledge gap.
Julia Taylor, Jennifer Power, Elizabeth Smith, Mark Rathbone
Breast symptoms in adolescents and young adults presenting to a specialist breast clinic
While breast cancer is rare in adolescents and young adults (AYAs), breast symptoms are common. The aim of this study was to report breast symptoms that prompted referral of AYAs and to examine diagnoses and treatment.
Meagan E Brennan, Andrew J Spillane
Do dietary factors significantly influence tinnitus?
Tinnitus is a common and multifactorial condition that requires careful medical assessment and management. Many people with tinnitus believe foods can exacerbate or reduce their perception of the condition, but the research on the relationship between diet and tinnitus is limited.
Martin Hofmeister
Clinical challenge
March clinical challenge
The clinical challenge is based on this month's Focus articles. The activity has been endorsed by the RACGP Quality Improvement and Continuing Professional Development (QI&CPD) program and has been allocated four Category 2 points (Activity ID: 151670). To complete this activity, go to gplearning and log in with the username and password you use to log in to the RACGP website.
AJGP Australian Journal of General Practice genomics-in-general-practice
newsGP weekly poll
Do you think the Government’s promise to rollout an extra 50 urgent care clinics will place additional strain or negatively impact the already limited GP workforce?