
Catherine Pendrey

MBBS (Hons), BMedSci (Hons), DCH, GDipEcon, FRACGP-RG, MPhil (AppEpi), Chair, Climate and Health Specific Interest Group, RACGP, Melbourne, Vic; Visiting Researcher, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT; Director, Climate and Health Alliance, Melbourne, Vic

Clinical insights: Impact of disasters on health

This article reviews the evidence on disaster health effects from an all-hazards perspective and highlight GPs’ essential role in disaster healthcare.

Disaster planning in general practice

This article provides a concise introduction to disaster planning for those who are new to Australian general practice or to general practice ownership.

Japanese encephalitis clinical update: Changing diseases under a changing climate

This article aims to provide Australian general practitioners with an overview of Japanese encephalitis virus, given its recent expansion, and the potential for sustained endemicity.

General practice in the era of planetary health: Responding to the climate health emergency

The practice of medicine now requires greater appreciation of the impact of environmental systems on human health, as well as the impact of human systems on environmental health.