BAppSc, Grad Cert Higher Ed, MNutrDiet, GDip Health Policy and Economics, PhD, Professor of Community Health and Wellbeing, Centre of Community Health and Wellbeing, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld
In the wake of the current COVID-19 pandemic, nutrition care that focuses on food security is imperative.
This study identified new approaches to patient-centred care (PCC) that can guide other general practices and progress the health system towards policy-based PCC objectives.
This article discusses strategies for the development of effective solutions for general practitioners to improve nutrition care.
The process for antiviral prescription and dispensing in Australia is outlined using nationwide data.
This paper examines the importance of, and challenges in, measuring and promoting continuity of care in Australia.
This paper provides an overview of exercise care in general practice to support sustained solutions for patients living with chronic disease.
The past 15 years have witnessed an escalating interest in the role of the general practitioner with special interest in Australia and other countries.
Healthcare providers value nutrition care, yet are limited by the healthcare system to provide comprehensive care to people with prediabetes.
Focusing on the strength of nutrition in general practice is a key to the future success of the profession, and will have a profound effect upon our ever-changing society.
This article discusses the significant role of medical certificates in patient care.
We celebrate the longstanding role of nutrition in general practice and its increasing prominence in clinical practice.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant disruption to general practice, and its impact on patient-centred care is not yet understood.
The postpartum period is a critical time within the life course for healthy eating goals to support both a woman’s long-term health and future potential pregnancies.
Strategies that have successfully increased COVID-19 vaccine uptake may also be effective in enhancing uptake across a range of vaccine-preventable diseases.
Cross-sectional qualitative study exploring the implementation of a Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) in Australia (DiRECT-Aus).