Strangulation has potential significant sequelae such as carotid dissection, hypoxic brain injury and laryngeal injury.
There are key gaps in general practitioners’ knowledge and confidence about identifying and responding to men’s use of violence in relationships.
Exposure to domestic and family violence has lifelong impacts on physical health and life expectancy and increases hospitalisation and healthcare usage.
The COVID-19 pandemic’s effects on movement restriction and family finances appear to be exacerbating domestic violence incidence and creating barriers to help-seeking for women, men and children.
In times of disaster, domestic violence rates tend to increase. This is a concern in the context of COVID-19, which is a more prolonged crisis than most of those studied.
The initial assessment and response to a disclosure of sexual assault is an important opportunity to address medical, safety and psychosocial concerns.
Adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes can be ameliorated through antenatal and postnatal care that attends to the special needs of this group.
The research evaluated an introductory‑level training program to improve the readiness of regional Victorian general practices to identify and support victim-survivors of family and domestic violence.