General practitioners, educators and students continue to successfully adapt to uncertainty and new challenges, be they clinical, contextual or COVID-19-related.
The learning process is understood to be not only the transfer of knowledge and skills, but also a complex developmental activity that is context dependent.
In workplace-based training and assessment of registrars and supervised doctors, the influence of contextual factors such as consultation room layout may be overlooked.
Mastering of the art of consultation is considered to be at the heart of general practice training and is vital in doctor–patient relationships.
Application of specific biopsychosocial models supports general practitioners to advance best practice in disability care by meeting the complex care needs of their clients.
The diagnosis of cancer is a life-changing event, and it can herald a long journey of anxiety, uncertainty and change.
While the pandemic has profoundly affected medical services and education, general practitioners are uniquely placed to observe, to think and to respond.
Readers express their opinions on published articles and topics of interest.
For patients with motor neuron disease, the final 12 months of life can be a tumultuous period, with rapid losses in function and independence, regular contact with the health system and carer stress.
Case Study
A man aged 78 years presented with a two-week history of erythematous urticarial patches and plaques that had started on the feet and spread to the legs, arms and hands.
A boy aged one year and seven months was brought by his mother to the general practice clinic with a three-month history of recurrent wheezing, especially when active.
A woman aged 21 years underwent a diagnostic laparoscopy and appendicectomy for undifferentiated abdominal pain.
A woman aged 49 years presented with a 12-month history of an enlarging painless but pruritic perianal plaque 2 cm from the anal verge.
A Vietnamese woman aged 64 years presented to her general practitioner with weight gain of 15 kg and lethargy over the previous 12 months.
This study identified new approaches to patient-centred care (PCC) that can guide other general practices and progress the health system towards policy-based PCC objectives.
Refugee women exhibit some of the highest rates of chronic pain, but the relationship between chronic pain and refugee-related challenges arising from migration trajectories remains unclear.
This qualitative study explored Australian general practitioners’ attitudes, practices and educational needs to inform adaptation of the P3-MumBubVax intervention for primary care.
Non-fasting lipid testing is now recommended throughout the world.
Clinical challenge
This clinical challenge is based on this month's Focus articles. To complete this activity, go to the RACGP website.