The host immune system appears to have a fundamental role in almost all human disease.
An individualised approach is needed to provide pre-travel health advice and immunisation.
People who are immunosuppressed may benefit from deferring vaccination.
Immunosenescence, altered pharmacokinetics and the presence of multiple comorbidities can all affect response to immunosuppressants.
Management provides a key contribution to lowering individual risk of tuberculosis and reducing Australian tuberculosis incidence towards elimination.
Given the current global context, heightened vigilance is essential for early detection and management of any imported measles cases.
Readers express their opinions on published articles and topics of interest.
Patients prescribed high doses of opioids need to be managed appropriately to reduce risks of morbidity and mortality.
Case Study
A patient presents with soreness and weakness of both hands, which he developed following the use of a walking frame.
A man aged 53 years presents with a 1–2-month history of a rapidly increasing skin growth on his right medial ankle.
For patients already undergoing treatment, replacing interfering medications results in fewer false positives and false negatives.
Better defining, integrating and supporting general practitioner roles in disaster systems is likely to improve disaster healthcare.
General practitioners viewed the doctor–patient relationship as foundational to whole-person care, facilitating knowledge of the patient, trust and management.
While general practitioners have concerns about the use of data stored on electronic health records, they also recognise the benefits of using this data for research purposes.
Pharmaceutical industry interactions with professional medical associations have come under scrutiny, yet industry ties among the leadership of these associations are often overlooked.
Stigma communicated through words can affect people seeking help and undertaking treatment for their health issues.
Clinical challenge
This clinical challenge is based on this month’s Focus articles. To complete this activity, go to the RACGP website.