Australian Journal of General Practice
This procedure is a simple, quick and cost-effective option which, when used appropriately and correctly, has shown excellent clinical efficacy and favourable cosmetic outcomes.
A man aged 43 years presented with a persistent, progressively enlarging facial lesion that had persisted for more than 20 years.
A man aged 46 years presented to a multidisciplinary team (plastic surgery, radiation oncology, dermatology) with a year-long history of a lentigo maligna on the right ear lobe.
A man aged 60 years presented with an enlarging penile lesion that had been present for six years.
VMAT does not have a clearly established role in the management of field cancerisation. Suitably powered, controlled, long-term trials are needed before its routine use can be recommended.
In addition to their medical implications, these skin manifestations can be a source of patient distress as a result of symptomatology and cosmesis.