In this issue of the Journal, prescribing is addressed from differing perspectives.
This article collates the latest evidence on deprescribing to guide general practitioners (GPs) and nurse practitioners on how to deprescribe for their elderly patients.
Nature prescribing involves a health professional recommending time in nature so as to benefit health. This article provides guidance for the implementation of nature prescribing in general practice.
This article summarises the literature around the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia, as well as the evidence on low-dose naltrexone as a potential treatment option.
We describe the different performance- and image enhancing drugs (PIEDs) in Australia. This study examined the impact of harm reduction practice in the PIEDs UserS’ Health (PUSH!) Audit.
Clinical challenge
This clinical challenge is based on this month's Focus articles. To complete this activity, go to the RACGP website.
This editorial highlights and champions the success of general practice in enhancing the lives of all Australians and supporting those in need.
Prescribing is addressed from differing perspectives. As GPs, we are more than what we prescribe. Our therapeutic relationship of trust is pivotal to our patient’s life story.
Public perceptions of general practice and the allocation of funds
This article reviews evidence for RASI therapy in patients with advanced CKD, with the aim of enhancing GPs’ awareness to the cardiovascular and renoprotective benefits.
PID is a major cause of morbidity and reproductive difficulty in women of childbearing age. This article outlines the pathogenesis, clinical evaluation and management of PID.
This study examined Medicare Benefits Schedule billing patterns by consultation length to estimate overcharging or undercharging by GPs, and the cost/savings to Medicare.
This study sought to determine the uptake of Item 699 and changes to existing health assessment item claims, before and after COVID-19 outbreak.
The study aim was to understand Victorian providers’ needs and perspectives about implementing young people’s health assessments.
This study explores one theoretical framework, Normalisation Process Theory, to understand how it can be used in general practice research.
Familial hypercholesterolaemia, an autosomal dominant genetic condition, affects one in 250 people in Australia. Universal genetic screening of newborns for FH should be provided in Australia.