Exploring our lives, as GPs, outside the clinic.
This article outlines the evolving integration of GPs into disaster health management (DHM) in Australia and discusses key DHM concepts and systems.
Disaster can take many forms in general practice, ranging from in-house challenges such as IT security, through to full-blown external events on a local or global scale. Here, we consider several.
This issue aims to give a voice and to provide acknowledgement to GPs and GP researchers with knowledge and experience in disaster health management through dissemination of their insights and wisdom.
This paper aims to identify transferable lessons from the implementation of diabetic retinopathy screening that could be applied to rheumatic heart disease echocardiographic detection.
This paper describes the challenges faced by children and young people in the face of the unprecedented impact of climate‑related events or anxiety about planetary health.
These questions are based on the Focus articles in this issue.
This paper aims to equip GPs with evidence-based strategies to prevent and mitigate heat‑related illnesses.
The article discusses the problem that extreme heat poses for mental health and to provide examples of how these problems can be anticipated and mitigated.
General practice and GPs are a valuable resource in disasters, but they also need support to be as effective and as safe as possible.
A case presentation of a rapid-onset, painful rash that had developed over 24 hours.
This paper explores the challenges faced by pregnant women, new mothers, infants and young children during and after the 2019–20 Black Summer bushfires.
This article provides a concise introduction to disaster planning for those who are new to Australian general practice or to general practice ownership.
This article reviews the evidence on disaster health effects from an all-hazards perspective and highlight GPs’ essential role in disaster healthcare.
A case presentation of a three-month history of new onset bilateral distal lower limb paraesthesia.