This article discusses how the carbon emissions from virtual consultations have the potential to be much smaller than in-person consultations, predominantly through reduced transportation.
This article explores the utility of shave procedures in melanoma management.
This article discusses the process of performing biopsies and excisions from the skin to diagnose or treat skin cancers.
General practitioners can manage most skin cancers with some fundamental knowledge and skills. We provide key updates and insights, building a strong foundation, especially for keratinocyte cancers.
This article discusses how a collaborative approach and clear communication between general practitioners and pathologists can improve the accuracy of skin cancer diagnosis.
This article provides an understanding of histopathological processes in Australian laboratories to enhance diagnostic precision, inform surgical margin evaluations and refine management approaches.
This article discusses an approach to managing patients with significant solar damage from a primary care perspective, focusing on the assessment and treatment of actinic keratoses.
This article discusses primary and secondary prevention of skin cancer in Australia.
This paper provides an overview on the management of adult patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot and emphasises the need for specialist follow-up.
The aim of this study is to identify persistent symptoms in unvaccinated community-managed patients following COVID-19 infection.
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These questions are based on the Focus articles in this issue. Please choose the single best answer for each question.
This paper summarises some of the more common reasons for intraocular injection, as well as some common and/or more serious complications.
With a rising global burden of cardiovascular disease risk factors among young adults, there is an urgent need to improve awareness and increase screening.
In this issue of AJGP, we cover a wide range of cardiovascular conditions that GPs encounter in everyday practice, providing up-to-date information and management guidelines.