Gold Coast Primary Health Network developed a decision support tool to deliver real-time medication safety alerts and prompts for interventions.
Burnout prevention and management require both individual and organisational-level change.
Direct observation is a teaching and assessment method in general practice training, providing important and timely feedback to registrars on their clinical and consultation skills.
International travel is resuming, but the COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the context in terms of regulation, risks and models of travel.
This clinical challenge is based on this month's Focus articles. To complete this activity, go to the RACGP website.
Perinatal care is a clear demonstration of the vertical and horizontal integration of general practitioners into the broader healthcare system.
Inflammatory bowel disease, comprising ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, commonly affects individuals of childbearing age.
A girl aged one week presented to the general practitioner for a routine baby check.
Readers express their opinions on published articles and topics of interest.
Severe nausea and vomiting is a common indication for hospitalisation among pregnant women, leading to an average of five days of hospital admission.
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are a leading cause of maternal, fetal and neonatal morbidity.
An otherwise well girl aged 11 months presented to her general practitioner with an unusual lesion on her posterior neck.
A woman aged 64 years presented with a three-year history of vulvar itch and skin fragility with associated superficial dyspareunia.
In late-stage Parkinson’s disease there is a shift to increasing disability from non-motor symptoms unresponsive to levodopa.
Causes of paediatric nasal obstruction are diverse, and differentiating the benign from the worrisome can be challenging because of symptomatic overlap and non-specific clinical presentations.