Australian Journal of General Practice
General practice stands at the forefront of injury prevention, initial management and follow-through.
Limited awareness of the time-critical nature of this potentially life-threatening presentation has been reported in multiple triage settings.
Ocular trauma may result in pathology of the ocular surface and adnexa, extraocular muscles, orbital walls, eye and optic nerve.
Palmar ulceration caused by spastic fingers is an under-recognised complication of upper limb post-stroke spasticity.
A collaborative approach between general practitioners and hand therapists benefits patients with common thumb conditions.
In an era marked by an increase in the use of electronic communication, it is essential that practices manage electronic communication well and respond appropriately when an error arises.
Vaping is a second-line quitting aid for adult smokers unable to quit with approved treatments and is the most popular quitting method in Australia.
Case Study
A woman aged 64 years presented with a few weeks of tiredness, night sweats and palpitations.
Numerous glucose-lowering medications have been developed in recent years with growing evidence relating to their efficacy and safety.
A project piloting an embedded general practice pharmacist provided an opportunity to explore the influence of this role on medication management for a target ‘at-risk’ population.
The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge of Australian general practitioners regarding Zostavax.
Electronic health records have high potential to contribute to research and policy that benefits both individual patients and the broader community.
Case studies allow authors to address clinical, psychological, social, medicolegal and professional topics pragmatically – as is the case with this text.
Clinical challenge
This clinical challenge is based on this month's Focus articles. To complete this activity, go to the RACGP website.