A woman aged 55 years presented to her general practitioner with intermittent episodes of dizziness, sweating and shakiness for the past four months.
This debut novel by a recent medical graduate tells a fictionalised story about life as a junior doctor in Australian hospitals.
This is a case study on milk-alkali syndrome.
Summarises the pathophysiology, diagnostic pathways and the management options for Neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome (nTOS).
A man aged 80 years presented with a one-day history of widespread tender skin lesions and malaise.
Optimising the quality of life for people with syndromic hypermobility begins with the early identification of their signs and symptoms.
Post–intensive care syndrome screening is not well defined, and the absence of an established care pathway for intensive care unit survivors means responsibility is not clearly delegated.
Post–intensive care syndrome refers to a constellation of cognitive, psychiatric and physical symptoms experienced by patients during and following a period of critical illness.
Dry eye disease is often underappreciated and underdiagnosed due to the vague nature of the symptoms.
This article outlines the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of Restless legs syndrome (RLS).
Patients have described a preference for dietary modifications over medications for management of symptoms, reporting that they felt this was a more holistic approach.
The relatively infrequent selection of the higher sensitivity tests for investigation of suspected Cushing’s syndrome signifies a risk of delayed or missed diagnosis.
Extreme androgenisation in a female requires timely investigation.
This discussion emphasises the importance of accurately describing the nature of chest discomfort and using appropriate terminology to facilitate an appropriate diagnostic work-up.
Once considered rare, Gilles de la Tourette syndrome is now understood to be relatively common, occurring in approximately 1% of school-aged children.